MDTLC Application Examples

Wire Over Plane


Wire Over Plane Impedance


After a printed circuit board has been fabricated and assembled and is being tested, or sometimes even just after the design files have been irrevocably released for fabrication, a requirement to change one of the connections between components appears. This is done using a wire resembling wire-wrap wire. There are many names for this undesirable modification such as a strap, a blue wire, or a barnacle.

Just what is the transmission line impedance of this wire?  Of course that depends on the wire and the surface over which it is run.  Generally, it can be difficult to run a wire over a continuous copper plane, and some boards do not copper fill the outside layers.  But for the purposes of this example, a ground fill plane is available on the top or bottom layer.



  1. A bit map was created using  The default paint program could have been used, but supports image layers.  By drawing the plane on one layer, and the wire on the other layer, the wire can be “moved” before the image is flattened into a regular bitmap image.
  2. The colors used in the bitmap must match exactly the colors used for MDTLC internal bitmaps.  MDTLC bitmaps can be exported and used as the basis to build a new bitmap.  Note that all current versions appear to have a bug which does not allow a large bit map to be exported.
  3. Resize the bitmap so that the wire is 3 or 4 times away from every side except the ground plane side. Before doing this, set the bottom center as anchor. 500x900 pixels was used here.  MDTLC default pixel size is 0.1mil/pixel, but except for the DC resistance value, any scale could be used.
  4. Add a layer above for drawing the wire.
  5. When using, turn anti—aliasing off.
  6. Use one of the laminate color values for the wire insulation.  The wire core must be pure red.
    1. As of version 2.1.88, the RGB value for air is 255,255,254.
    2. Top solder mask RGB is {0x00,0xaf,0x1f} or 0,175,31
    3. The laminate 1  dielectric RGB is {0xc8,0xc8,0x64} or 200,200,100
    4. The laminate 2  dielectric RGB is {0xc8,0xc8,0x65} or 200,200,101
  7. Finally, ensure that the outside perimeter of the image is surrounded by a ground.  Set to draw a 1 pixel width no-fill box, select green, and draw all around the perimeter.
  8. When running mdtlc, set the associated dielectrics with the desired Er values.

Test Cases



2D Impedance Calculator Program


Time: Fri Feb 22 07:04:17 2008

GPL Version 2.0


Simulation pix map 150 pixels high by 700 pixels wide.

316024 bytes allocated for bmp.

Reading file C:/Dev-Cpp/development/trimp/wire-flat-bigger.bmp ...

Image pixel dimensions: 500 high x 900 wide


       Layer             Thick   Specifications

       Solder Mask Top   1.00    Opening w=0.0  offset=0.0

      Copper Plane Top   1.30    Opening w=0.0  offset=0.0

      Laminate Layer 1   5.00    Resin Content  64.3% 3.2-6.0

        Signal Layer 1   1.35  4.0-6.0-4.0  Etchback=0.00

      Laminate Layer 2   5.00    Resin Content  64.3% 3.2-6.0

   Copper Plane Bottom   1.30    Opening w=0.0  offset=0.0

       Layer             Thick   Er    Loss Tangent

       Solder Mask Top   1.00  3.50    0.00200

      Copper Plane Top   1.30  3.20   

      Laminate Layer 1   5.00  4.20    0.00120

        Signal Layer 1   1.35  6.60    0.00120

      Laminate Layer 2   5.00  4.20    0.00120

   Copper Plane Bottom   1.30  3.20

  DC resistance by dimensions:

 Rdc_trace_1= 125.69      Rdc_trace_2 = 125.69  milliohms/in 20C

 DC resistance by pixel count:

 Rdc_trace_1=   8.498 milliohm/in.

 C          =   3.363 pF/in        L =   7.315 nH/in.

 Er         =   3.426       Loss_tan =   0.00073

 Zo         =  46.640 Ohms     Delay = 156.833 ps/in.


Log file save name:


Reading file C:/Dev-Cpp/development/trimp/wire-flat-bigger-up2mil.bmp ...

Image pixel dimensions: 500 high x 900 wide




      Layer             Thick   Specifications

       Solder Mask Top   1.00    Opening w=0.0  offset=0.0

      Copper Plane Top   1.30    Opening w=0.0  offset=0.0

      Laminate Layer 1   5.00    Resin Content  64.3% 3.2-6.0

        Signal Layer 1   1.35  4.0-6.0-4.0  Etchback=0.00

      Laminate Layer 2   5.00    Resin Content  64.3% 3.2-6.0

   Copper Plane Bottom   1.30    Opening w=0.0  offset=0.0


      Layer             Thick   Er    Loss Tangent

       Solder Mask Top   1.00  3.50    0.00200

      Copper Plane Top   1.30  3.20  

      Laminate Layer 1   5.00  4.20    0.00120

        Signal Layer 1   1.35  6.60    0.00120

      Laminate Layer 2   5.00  4.20    0.00120

   Copper Plane Bottom   1.30  3.20


 DC resistance by dimensions:

 Rdc_trace_1= 125.69      Rdc_trace_2 = 125.69  milliohms/in 20C

 DC resistance by pixel count:

 Rdc_trace_1=   8.498 milliohm/in.

 C          =   2.110 pF/in        L =   7.938 nH/in.

 Er         =   2.333       Loss_tan =   0.00022

 Zo         =  61.344 Ohms     Delay = 129.408 ps/in.


E-Field Images
